#136: Lindsay Cook, Co-founder & CEO at FitOn

Today, I’m joined by FitOn co-founder and CEO Lindsay Cook. FitOn’s free digital fitness platform delivers streaming workouts from top instructors, as well as content for mindfulness and nutrition.

FitOn’s members receive unlimited access to a wide range of modalities—from cardio to strength training to HIIT, yoga, Pilates, and much more—from top celebrity trainers like Cassey Ho (of Blogilates), Jeanette Jenkins, Gabrielle Union, and Julianne Hough.

In this episode, we discuss the company’s equipment-agnostic approach to digital fitness, its recent $40M funding round, and the acquisition of corporate wellness company Peerfit. Lindsay also shares FitOn’s plan to build an omnichannel fitness bundle.

In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • How to make a smooth transition from free memberships to paid
  • Lindsay’s tips & strategies for optimizing business growth
  • FitOn’s unique approach to keeping retention high & reducing churn

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Episode Transcript

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[00:00:00] Lindsay:
I think aligning with the goals and aspects of the people you’re working with, whether it’s our instructors or the celebrities, is a really key part of being our success in the platform.

It’s not just a quick hit where you’re hiring a celebrity and it’s a big marketing campaign. It’s truly getting them involved in the company and helping them accomplish their goals, as well.

[00:00:30] Joe:
Welcome back to the Fitt Insider podcast. I’m your host, Joe Vennare.

Today I’m joined by FitOn Co-Founder and CEO, Lindsay Cook. In this episode we discuss the company’s digital fitness platform, its recent $40 million funding round, and the acquisition of corporate wellness company Peerfit. Lindsey also shares FitOn’s plan to build an omni-channel fitness bundle. Let’s get into it.

Hi, Lindsay, welcome to Fitt Insider. Thanks for joining us.

[00:00:51] Lindsay:
Thanks so much for having me.

[00:00:53] Joe:
I’m looking forward to the conversation today. There’s certainly a lot to discuss, but just to kick it off, can you introduce yourself and FitOn?

[00:01:01] Lindsay:
Sure thing. I’m Lindsay Cook, I’m the CEO and founder of FitOn. FitOn came from a little bit of my personal experience. I was an executive at Fitbit in the Bay Area, was the head of the consumer devices group and responsible for launching a lot of wearable devices for about five years.

I got really immersed in the health and fitness category, and spent a lot of time in the App Store. I was pretty underwhelmed with a lot of the products in the space. A lot of them were literally GIFs of someone doing a pushup or a sit-up. Pretty rudimentary products, and not something premium that kept me motivated.

Being an executive with two kids, I had no time to fit in fitness. I saw there was a huge opportunity for someone to come in and really democratize fitness for the masses, and make fitness more accessible without needing very expensive hardware and equipment.

I was super fortunate in teaming up with my Co-Founder Russell. He was the founder of AllTrails. If you’re familiar with AllTrails it’s a very popular hiking app, and we really joined together to disrupt the digital health and fitness category. Our goal was to democratize fitness with a really innovative technology-driven solution where you didn’t have the barriers to entry of expensive equipment.

Our total focus has been leveraging the ubiquity of the smartphone and giving everyone this magical gym, like experience in their pockets. And, so what we do is we really bring together really high end premium content, kind of like mini movies in your pocket, and really wide variety of trainers and celebrities, and really, pushing on the social experience too.

So you can work out with your friends and kind of motivate each other with that social accountability. Been super, fortunate with our growth over the last several years, we’ve been in business now about three years and we have about 10 million members on FitOn who done over a billion workout minutes on the platform.

And last year alone, we had about 235% more downloads and Peloton digital, and about six X beach body. So then really, really breaking out in the category with just a really awesome product. A lot of. Five-star reviews and, really our vision and our goal is how do we get to a hundred million members working out on FitOn?

[00:03:12] Joe:
Yeah, that’s really exciting talking about, my next kind of question was going to be, give us a sense of the growth or the user base. However you would define those metrics. And I think you did that in terms of not only are they. Growing substantially, as you see it FitOn, but, maybe outpacing some of the other popular, fitness apps that, or platforms that people think about.

What do you attribute that to? Right. You know, when you look at lots of. Different competitors across the space, even if you’re focusing kind of solely on digital content. not as much even on the equipment, like you mentioned, how are you differentiating? And then what’s kind of contributing to that growth that you’re seeing.

[00:03:58] Lindsay:
Yeah. I mean, I think the growth came from really building a better product and making it more accessible. I mean, a lot of, if you look at the fitness industry, you know, most, cause think about like a typical gym or a, or a. Fitness app. Most of them would kind of Glock out of the, the system. You know, they, they want to do to sign up, pay up front, but they didn’t really care if you showed up and worked out, we’re kind of the, we really flipped the industry on your head and really focused on engagement.

Retention and really building an active user base of people that are actually using the product. And we’re super fortunate. Our first year in the business, we actually didn’t focus on monetization. We just focused on engagement and retention. And how do you get people using the platform and telling everyone they knew about it, and then really moved to turn on monetization after that.

And so it was hugely helpful for our growth. Trying to design more of a higher organic growth machine with massive word of mouth or over 50% of Finland’s growth today comes from word of mouth and people telling their friends about it. and then really layering in, you know, a better product experience with a social experience on top of it. So social and community has really been the foundation of the products. when you joined FitOn encourage you to add your friends to the platform, take a workout with them. You get notified when your friend does activity on the platform And. You can invite your friends and workers to participate with you. whether it’s challenges or we have a really cool feature called film party, where you can do a live workout together, And. have a awesome social feed. and a lot of it was about designing a better product with, you know, kind of a five-star product experience that was better than what was out there in a lot of the company’s focus was my background was technology. my Co-Founder and the team’s all background was technology. So we really happened to love health and fitness, but we were building a technology product in the health and fitness space, and it was less about an individual trainer. kind of locking people out of the platform.

It was about inviting them in making it super motivating and sticky and, and engaging once you were in the platform and really trying to focus on, kind of word of mouth and social sharing as a key component. And I think one of the other things we’ve done with. is not just made it a fitness app.

We’re really expanding beyond health and fitness and broadening the offer where you can work out on FitOn you can. we have, mindfulness content. We have nutrition. we’re really expanding into two more kind of managing chronic health conditions and really about creating that, that kind of the number one wellness companion in your pocket that is there for you throughout your.

[00:06:34] Joe:
Yeah, I think it makes a ton of sense. And you see a shift just in terms of. How people approach quote-unquote fitness is now shifting to overall wellbeing and the holistic aspect with, you know, mental health, being a component of that nutrition, being a component of that, where, you know, previously these things were all siloed and you had to go to all different types of platforms and all different types of memberships.

So we see that kind of moving into one place and certainly FitOn pursuing that strategy. you talked a little bit. Maybe in the first year, not focusing on monetization and obviously is evolved now to figuring out what that strategy is in terms of the paying membership. I’ve seen some things, you know, different courses, different kind of content packages.

How do you think about The business model now and how are you kind of pursuing that? Moving folks from this free membership kind of down that funnel, maybe to that paid.

[00:07:34] Lindsay:
Absolutely. I mean, I think we want to create a magical experience for free customers, where we know that, you know, a majority of people might never, never participate in the, Pro subscription product. The goal is really just making a, a product where we have enough and you seem very successful subscription businesses, in the category do this.

And you know, we, we really truly believe in our freemium model and it’s the way to go. And, I think a lot of it has been just testing and, being really agile on the product and trying to find the right place. You know, people are, are, finding extra value for the features. For instance, we have amazing meal plans and premium music, and, the ability to connect with wearable devices and offline downloads that are kind of those extra features that help take you to the next level.

But we also have an, a magical experience for free users, and it’s just a ton of testing and optimization. this kind of how we, we we’re very data-driven. We lean on the data and constant iteration has been very much, I would say the culture of the company since its founding. And in the last three years, we’ve done over a hundred.

Releases on the platform, which is, an insane amount. I think we release every like about two features or updates every, every few weeks. And so if you look at the innovation and the categories, starkly, normally most apps do an app update every six months, or, you see a few, a few times a year, and I feel like that part of it has just been our linear focus on really leading in digital fitness.

You know, a lot of. Players I see in the category, you know, their P and L is based on like, you know, selling a treadmill or a really expensive hardware equipment or selling apparel and things. We are just very linear focused on leading in digital fitness. And through a lot of iteration, we have really been focused on kind of growing our subscription business and we care about monetization, but we know that.

If we are really successful at creating a better product with a really high organic growth engine to it, you know, the monetization will follow.

[00:09:37] Joe:
Yeah. The, you know, down that path, when you talk about the organic growth aspect of it, and I think. You previously talked about it as the word of mouth, the social sharing and writing other people. it’s also bringing to mind a little bit of, you know, the Airbnb. I think it was Brian Chesky who talked about like, what is a 11 star experience look like to build like the most magical product?

So when you talk about it, it seems very in line with. in terms of like paid growth or even just growth outside of like that organic aspect, are there particular strategies or channels that you’re seeing that are being, you know, moving the needle more than others, because, and I asked that kind of question because when we talk to founders at all stages, right.

It’s becoming so competitive that, it’s like, oh, well, if we. I can’t figure out that channel that is organically growing and we don’t have just an outsized, you know, kind of capital to throw at the kind of growth engine. How do we do this? So I’d be curious, you know, what is working for you from those kinds of growth channels?

[00:10:47] Lindsay:
Yeah. I mean, we really optimize across a number of different digital channels and all the ones you could think of. And I think it’s a lot of testing and iteration and figuring out, you know, some channels are gonna work for you some weeks and some weeks they’re not, and you have to be really, really flexible.

I think we’ve been really fortunate with our product and, you know, even in. kind of current marketplace to diversify across a number of different channels. So you’re never totally dependent on, you know, one channel over another. a lot of our focus has been for instance, like figuring out TikTok now.

Cause it seems to be the, the new channel where everyone, you know, kind of all the eyeballs are as a perfect example, but I think it’s a lot about. Trial and iteration and, you know, constantly figuring out where the, your core user base is going to be. How do you capture their attention, and, and get them into the platform and try to do it more through organic growth.

Obviously, you know, this is a category is really noisy. You gotta put in some level of, of paid spend to, to continue to grow. But I think if you are really optimizing for thinking about organic growth, As much as you are paid growth, that’s going to be what really sets you up for success.

[00:12:02] Joe:
Yeah, and just being ready. And like you said, flexible that as that shifts, as it inevitably does, like from platforms to behaviors, you kind of have to lean in and move with it. another aspect that comes up. Across the industry. And you mentioned it is like the celebrity partnerships leaning on them to create content, tapping other kind of fitness instructors who maybe already have an established audience.

I think you’ve done a great job at doing both of those things. Do you see that as being, you know, right now it’s almost become table stakes, right? That you, whether it’s a musician or an instructor or celebrity, somebody with some type of. Audience or eyeballs, different fitness brands kind of partnering with them and and different types of ways.

Do you see that as being a sustainable strategy going forward, is that, you know, difficult to secure those partnerships or maybe how has it played out and do you see that continuing to be the case?

[00:13:02] Lindsay:
Yeah. I mean, I, I think, celebrity, our relationship with celebrities have been kind of definitely an important part of FitOn and something we’ve been just thrilled to get the chance to work with folks like Jonathan van ness or Gabrielle union or Julianne Hough, or Holly Berry. Most recently the Demilio family.

And I think that kind of part of why we’ve had the chance to work with them is very much they represent what FitOn was all about and using, you know, we’ve been really bad building a brand about fitness and wellness as this form of self care. And, the ideas, you know, if you can just take like a 10 minute workout in the middle of the day, 20 minutes stretch before bed.

You’re, you’re better taking care of yourself. And we’ve really aligned ourselves with kind of the, the celebrities we felt were the kind of the promoters and, you know, the leaders and kind of this self care movement and, you know, gone after people that are organically posting workouts, you know, before we even worked with Gabrielle Union.

Promoting workouts who loves health and fitness. And so I think it was a really organic fit getting, people that were already really interested in the space involved in the company. because we believed in the mission and, and part of it was also about, they were able to give back, amazing workouts to their communities too, and get the chance to, to work out with them, which has been also great in terms of, of, of helping us grow as a company.

And so, you know, it’s whether it’s the celebrities or I would say aren’t we unbelievable, amazing world-class fitness trainer. On the platform we’ve even partnered with, awesome gym brands, like orange theory, fitness, and, exponential fitness and CrossFit. And part of it is it began because we built a very large community in this, in the space of people that are active.

And, you know, when, when some of these celebrities or trainers want to reach people, the exposure you can get on FitOn is just like nothing else. That we, that has happened in the category in terms of, of getting access to people that are just health and fitness enthusiasts. And so it’s, it’s been a great opportunity where we’re not competitive with the gyms.

We’re actually partners with the gyms, we’re partners with these trainers, that we are partners with these celebrities and we’re really helping, grow their brands and the health and fitness category. And . I think aligning with the goals and the aspects of the people you’re working with, whether it’s our instructors to the celebrities is really.

Part of being our success in the platform. It’s not just like a quick hit where you’re hiring a celebrity and you know, it’s a big marketing campaign. It’s truly getting them involved in the company and helping them accomplish their goals as well.

[00:15:39] Joe:
Sure. Yeah. The alignment, I think makes a lot of sense when you think about, and just their interest in focus in this space and being able to authentically promote it and engage. maybe the last question in the weeds about the kind of platform and model, One of the things that you had said was around building this experience and making sure that people were having a magical experience as you described it, and then, keeping them engaged.

Right? So the retention component is huge when you’re talking about digital fitness or any type of digital subscription. but then you have this added layer. With fitness, where willpower at some point fades away and churn is inevitable. And that’s, that’s true of digital. That’s true of in-person when you have a gym membership and maybe you just stopped going or don’t use it as much as you intended. How do you think about the adherence or retention component to make sure that people are engaged and, to your point, like continuing to use the product.

[00:16:45] Lindsay:
Yeah. I mean, I think engagement has really been such a core part of what we’ve been doing. And I think that the ticket, you know, what FitOn is really differentiated as we focused on engagement. Majority of fitness, health, and fitness apps out there, literally you just pay up front. They don’t really care if you ever, you know, enter, you know, enter that door and use the product because they already got their money at the door.

And I think that’s where we have really flipped things on the head and focused on engagement from the very get-go, you know, beginning of the company. And it was about, you know, building a five star product experience. You know, most reviews of our app is like, where have you been all my life? Or, you know, love a review from a woman said it’s better than Target.

And, I feel like that’s a very strong statement and I think it was because of. We were kind of one of the first players that was really focused as much on the experience inside the app as getting you inside the door. and so it’s through a lot of different mechanisms. We focus on engagement, whether it’s the quality of these workouts, making them really bite-size.

You know, there it’s approachable. Most people don’t have necessarily 30 minutes to an hour to workout in a day. And so making these, I would say bite-size movie style content that is really accessible, layering in the social experience. It’s a lot about lifecycle marketing and, introducing people to, you know, you’re not going to want to work out necessarily every day.

Is it sometimes reading, an amazing article or a. Making a recipe and a lot about introducing new content. One of my biggest learnings, I was working on hardware for five years and, you know, I found the hardware game was very, hit-driven right. And you know, the second you lawn show a device, you know, within a month, it almost already feels like it’s already old.

The beauty of software is really about bringing new content all the time. I love that when you work in digital, You know, we could film some workouts with Holly Berry. I think we launched them within five days on the platform and could build this, you know, more broader wellness solution where sometimes it’s about a workout.

Sometimes it’s about eating healthy. Sometimes it’s about learning and education. And so having that power of also this awesome hybrid solution where, you know, FitOn is a great companion to the gym. It can be a replacement on the days when you don’t have to go to the gym or when you’re traveling. And so it’s kind of this opportunity to.

Meet the customer where they’re at and, and really build a product that, acknowledges that these people are interested in health and wellness. They’re motivated. They need that extra encouragement in which we offer and just always keeping it new and interesting. And, you know, I think we’ve seen some great results before when we’ve looked at like industry, average day 30 retention for the category.

It’s pretty low. It’s like 15%. And we’ve been lucky and fortunate to be about four X that today by just really focusing on. Engagement and caring so much about that. it’s not about day zero and like entering the app. It’s about how do we keep them engaged throughout the pipeline with really new, interesting content and mechanics into the product.

[00:19:51] Joe:
Yeah, I think you put that really well. Talking about the various aspects of what you’re considering and it’s part of. A broader shift, you know, in talking to a lot of founders. Now you’re seeing this, the crossover where it’s people who have some type of experience in the health and fitness space, but also have this kind of a laser like focus on.

On the software on all these aspects that go beyond that in merging, those has really created some really compelling, business models and opportunities. And I think it’s, it’s positive and continues to reshape the industry that was for so long, kind of like confined off to the side by itself. You know, people were passionate about it, but it didn’t have these kinds of breakout.

You know, whether it was founders talent, visions, to be able to execute on the level that you see with a lot of technology or software companies. so that, that certainly shines through when you’re, you’re talking about it. thinking about. How the industry is continuing to shift the company FitOn has raised some like $70 million to this point.

The most recent funding round was $40 million. And that came with news that you were acquiring, Peerfit. so I’ve talked to ed on the podcast before for folks, if they’re not familiar, they can check that out. but really like. Corporate wellness solution, but really focused on helping people find fitness near them or digitally, and, and thinking about how we bring that into the workplace, but also healthcare. but I’ll let you kind of talk about it. What motivated you to do that deal and, and how do you see the companies combining forces going forward?

[00:21:40] Lindsay:
Yeah, absolutely. ed and I actually met on a panel together during COVID. that was. and just really hit it off and was super impressed with him and, what he was building, it was, it was just, it was very interesting timing of FitOn. We were really working on building the largest health and fitness platform and we had this.

Vision, how we can make fitness more accessible and, you know, make, you know, bring these gyms in your pocket anywhere you went. when you didn’t have the time to go to the gym and, you know, pure fit was really mobilizing employees in a different way, by getting these health plan participants to participate in going to the gym.

And, you know, I felt like we were both disrupting our categories and in different ways we. you know, I was looking at a lot of these, what I felt were underwhelming health and fitness apps that weren’t really investing in the product and, and kind of helping customers really, accomplish their health and fitness goals.

And then we were looking in the kind of broader healthcare space. You know, there were a lot of, I would say underwhelming solutions for health plans and employers and the category where no one had really focused at it. If you have even looked at. look up what, like a senior workout looks like typically, or, or, you know, any in any of the space they’re, they’re really kind of not high quality content.

Not really focused on engagement and health outcomes, a lot of solutions that we’re focused on, you know, making you buy it very expensive hardware and equipment for your company to, to be able to participate. And so we really saw the power of, of kind of this hybrid solution for today’s hybrid users and especially.

Today’s world where there’s the gym, there’s the at-home workouts. We wanted to bring them together kind of the best in consumer and the best in healthcare as this powerful at home and in studio solutions. So you had the opportunity with pure fit to go access some of the best gems and get the chance to work out in person.

But also, you know, through foot on where we were focused, focused on deeper engagement and really high quality content. We realized there was such an opportunity to mobilize not only consumers, but employers as well as health plan participants together as one. And so, and we noticed that no one else was doing that.

It was definitely insight from my experience at Fitbit where, you know, the consumer and the healthcare business really. compliment each other in a really significant way, because we’re all consumers, we’re all employees. We are all parts of health plans. And so we felt like we could really deliver together an awesome solution that would, enable employers, and health plans to accomplish their goals, but also do it with this massive consumer brand in the space that was really disrupting things.

[00:24:20] Joe:
A lot of different components and potential opportunities as you think about. So now you have the healthcare aspect. So how are you incentivizing health plans or employers to maybe pay for the FitOn membership, then there’s the aspect of Peerfit. Increasing kind of engagement, access to physical gyms and studios.

So is there some type of, you already mentioned working with some other fitness brands, brick and mortar fitness brands. So is there a part where it’s like, Hey, we can bundle in with them as well. what, what may be, does that look like.

[00:24:55] Lindsay:
Like, I mean, a part of our vision is selling a more hybrid solution to employers and health plans where you can get access to pure fed and get access to this massive gym network and continue to work with the best gyms out there to, you know, get people in person in studios, but then also.

Layer in a digital experience, like FitOn, on top of it. And so, so that’s definitely where we’re headed about giving, kind of the healthcare community and option for an amazing hybrid solution.

[00:25:23] Joe:
Then the other piece that has kind of come up a couple of times and the way that it seems like you’re approaching is, you know, folks that are requiring you to purchase, a maybe high priced piece of equipment and do that. You being maybe an opposition or, or, another option outside of that.

Something, that’s starting to take places. Now, these different partnerships where content providers are now putting their content on maybe a piece of hardware, or certainly unlike a, you know, Apple TV, Google, Samsung, different kind of, we’ve described it as, pipes and platforms like who’s creating. What, and where does that content live?

And maybe you don’t manufacturer every piece of it kind of like vertically integrated, but you certainly want to be visible there and, have people access you. how are you thinking about that in terms of like omni-channel or hybrid?

[00:26:15] Lindsay:
Yeah. I mean, I think we’ve been really focused to date on kind of reduction of barriers in the category and focused on amazing digital fitness content. And now definitely openness to working with larger hardware partners as well. But our focus has really been on. The content itself and, and building the best digital fitness solution and, kind of hybrid work solution in today’s market.

I think, there’s a lot of hardware players out there spending their time on, on unbuilding product. And, we’ve been really focused more on kind of reducing those barriers where you don’t need expensive hardware required. To participate and, you don’t need a Peloton bike. You don’t need a mirror.

You’ve got your phone. It’s in your pocket. It’s with you, wherever you go. You’ve got your gym down the street and really making health and wellness more accessible has been a part of. Of where we’ve been really focusing in the category. and so, you know, there’s definitely going to be a place for hardware and software in, in the future.

And, and I spend some of the equipment, we are really, you know, very linearly focused on, on being that leading digital fitness solution and also partnering with the other players in this space. Like. Jim’s and as mentioned, we’ve been working with orange theory, fitness and CrossFit and exponential fitness and, you know, really bringing more awareness and exposure to these awesome health and fitness brands and getting our communities excited about them.

So definitely excited about where we’re headed in terms of continuing the partnership with some of the biggest gyms in the category as well.

[00:27:48] Joe:
Yeah, absolutely. And now maybe as we get towards the end of the conversation, looking ahead a little bit, so you have, you know, new funding, certainly now integrating a ditch, separate company, bringing Peerfit into the mix, figuring out those different, channels and

Opportunities as you think about. The roadmap and maybe the priorities, no shortage Write of kind of things that you’re working through, but is there anything that you’re particularly excited about or that maybe we should be on the lookout for, as you now go through, call it the rest of 2022.

[00:28:25] Lindsay:
Yeah, I think there’s a couple key areas we’re really gonna focus on the rest of the year. One is continuing to build on the social experience, especially, you know, the positive social encouragement of our users is one of the reasons people love FitOn today. And so. Kind of finding ways that you can continue to work out and interact with your friends and your coworkers on the space.

Continuing to invest in social is a big one for us. continuing to expand the offering on FitOn making it a really comprehensive solution. So have an amazing opportunity, you know, a huge platform over a thousand workouts today there’s beyond, you know, high quality. experiences in the, in themselves, but really growing to focus on nutrition, and, and really kind of doing what we had done to fitness and making nutrition more of a habit with these bite-size, kind of goals you can set up in the platform, also investing in, in kind of broader wellness content and health conditions, things like helping.

Go after MSK or diabetes or stress management and really making FitOn a broader wellness solution. International’s another really key priority for us as we’re. We do believe that FitOn is a concept that works internationally and really expanding our ability to, to reach people in other countries.

And lastly, but most importantly is really just continuing to invest in the healthcare and corporate wellness side of the business. And how do we drive more engagement and health outcomes and really reduce the burden of these massive healthcare costs for employers and health plans. And, we’ve done.

What, what I learned in my career and early on was, spent a lot of time at, at Fitbit tracking and, and, you know, like we’re tracking everything right. And a lot of these players in the category today are tracking a lot of stats, but there’s less guidance and coaching. And I think that’s been one of the things that’s really differentiated FitOn in the experience and in how we’ve built the product is it’s much more guided.

You feel like you have. Amazing personal trainer and wellness solution in your pocket. And that expands fitness that expands nutrition expands mental health. Is it expanding into chronic conditions? And I think really continuing to invest in, in offering a more guided experience, offering more coaching and really focusing on deeper engagement in health outcomes is absolutely where we’re headed.

[00:30:39] Joe:
Yeah, super exciting. Do you think about it or consider that you would actually have a personal training service where you could have access to a one-on-one coach? Or do you think about it more in terms of just kind of a deeper relationship where that feels right? Like you have that guidance, but it might not be a human coach that’s programming something for you?

[00:31:07] Lindsay:
One of the things that makes our product really special is you already feel like you have a trainer who has somehow transported into your home and is there with you, and really guiding you along the way. So, we have quite an amazing guided experience today. There’s definitely exploring all aspects of coaching in the future and the best way to approach it, and make it personal.

Definitely not committed yet to the exact way we will do it, but we will do it like everything else we’ve done on this platform today, which is just through a lot of testing, a lot of iteration and really following what our customers have been asking for on the platform.

[00:31:45] Joe:
Yeah. As you ran through that list, kind of like the roadmap and opportunities, certainly a lot to look forward to and a lot to keep up with.

For folks who are interested or want to learn more, where would you point them to check out FitOn?

[00:32:01] Lindsay:
You can actually just download FitOn right from the App Store for iOS, Google Play store, by searching FitOn. You can download on your Apple TV, Roku, or going to FitOn.com.

[00:32:11] Joe:
Well, I hope folks do check it out, or maybe they already do, and are continuing to enjoy that experience.

I appreciate it, Lindsey, you spending some time chatting with us today, and I’m very excited to share the conversation.

[00:32:22] Lindsay:
Awesome. Thank you so much for having me, Joe. Really appreciate it.

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