#142: Dr. Jonathan Leary, Founder & CEO of Remedy Place

Today, I’m joined by Dr. Jonathan Leary, founder & CEO of Remedy Place, a social wellness club.

With roots in holistic medicine and wellness services, Remedy Place’s Los Angeles-based membership club offers a range of services, including cryotherapy, infrared saunas, vitamin IV drips, meditation classes, and more. Aiming to build community, there are lounges and a bar serving nonalcoholic beverages.

In this episode, we discuss the company’s temptation- and toxin-free experience. Plus, we talk about Remedy’s upcoming New York City location and future expansion plans.

In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • How Remedy Place is bridging the gap between preventative and diagnostic health care
  • Ways the club is expanding its client base without big marketing campaigns
  • How Jonathan founded Remedy Place with $2K in his checking account

Links & Resources

Dr. Leary’s Links

Episode Transcript

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[00:00:00] Jonathan:
My patients would always say, “X, Y, and Z is gone, everything is better, but my social life sucks. Why is everything I do when I socialize always filled with temptations or toxins?”

We wanted to create a club that was fully temptation and toxin free. When people come in it feels like you’re walking into a hotel lobby; we have a lounge and bar there. That first barrier of entry of feeling different and changing people’s whole entire regimen feels natural.

[00:00:38] Joe:
Welcome back to the Fitt Insider podcast. I’m your host, Joe Vennare.

Today I’m joined by Dr. Jonathan Leary, Founder and CEO of Remedy Place, a social wellness club. In this episode we discuss the company’s temptation and toxin free experience, and a variety of health-focused services from functional medicine to breathwork classes and IV drips. Plus, we talk about Remedy’s upcoming New York City location, and future expansion plans.

Let’s get into it.

Hi, Jonathan, welcome to Fitt Insider. Thanks for joining us.

[00:01:03] Jonathan:
Hello. I’m super excited for today.

[00:01:06] Joe:
Yeah, lots to talk about. You guys are making some moves at Remedy Place. To kick things off, can you introduce yourself and tell us about what you’re working on?

[00:01:15] Jonathan:
My name is Dr. Jonathan Leary. I’m the owner and CEO of Remedy Place. We are the world’s first social wellness club, so we’re an entire club centered around holistic self-care. It’s made to enhance your health and your social life at the same time. It’s not like a spa where you go and isolate yourself in a room. Every single thing in the club—you do have the option to do by yourself if you’d like—but we’d rather you do it with others, and do it as a substitution for what you’d normally do to socialize.

So picture this like where you would have your new date spot, where you’d have your meetings, where you’d meet your buddies after work to unwind, or where you’d have your birthday party or corporate outing. It’s all centered around human connection. Because not only is that the most important form of self care, but it’s also a really cool way to strengthen the relationships that you have, and enhance your health and your social life at the same time.

[00:02:10] Joe:
For someone like myself, or anybody else who values their wellbeing, I don’t drink. I don’t partake in really any drug use, certainly not smoking or things like that. I eat a healthy diet. Typically it’s pretty hard to put those things together when you think about, “Hey, let’s go meet up! What are we getting for dinner? Are we going to a bar?”

Putting some of those things together, I’ve heard it described as maybe like Soho House meets the spa, or different kind of spins on that. When you say this experience of bringing social and some of these elements of self care together, what types of treatments are offered? How does that membership shake out? What is the experience when you walk through the door?

[00:02:57] Jonathan:
We can start with that. And I think it’s really just important, like hit on why the social side’s so important. My private practice before remedy, you know, I can’t make somebody healthy, but what I can do is teach them how to make themselves healthy. You know, it’s our job as their healthcare provider to really guide them, you know, support them, give them the plan.

And over the five years of my practice, my patients would always say, you know, Dr. Leery X, Y, and Z’s gone. I feel incredible. This is, you know, everything’s better, but my social life sucks. They’re like, you know, why is everything I do? When I socialize, always filtered temptations for toxins. So we wanted to create a club that was fully temptation and toxin free as we like to say.

So when people come in, you know, it really feels there’s nothing white and sterile about it. It’s nothing tranquil like a spa. It feels like you’re walking into a hotel lobby, you know, your favorite lounge and bar. And we, you know, we have a lounge and bar there and you know, the there’s a lot of psychology that went behind the design.

And we like to say that we’re designed to heal because. it isn’t too much of a juxtaposition. You know, if I’m saying, Hey, let’s meet a remedy for a drink instead of doing where we would normally go for a happy hour, when you walk in, it still feels like where you would normally go. So even that first, like barrier of entry of feeling different and changing people’s whole entire regimen, it feels natural.

So when you come in, you know, with west Hollywood, we have open and New York opens in three months, but we have everything from hyperbaric chambers. We have infrared sauna suites. We’re the first ones to commercialize a breathwork ice bath class, which is one of the biggest hits in the club. So every 30 minutes you book into a breathwork ice bath class, kind of just like if, same thing as like a berries or a soul cycle, like you, everyone gets their own tub.

You do 11 minutes of breath work before you pick your song you’re coached through, and we hope that you hit the six minute club. So, you know, we try to keep you in the 39 degree water for, for six minutes, which is the sweet spot. and people try, you know, this whole adaption training and learning how to adapt to hot and cold and, and using the human connection to get you through.

It has been one of the biggest hits and we do events all over the world. It’s the most bonding experience, but you also feel like an absolute superhuman, you know, there’s no better feeling than when you step outta that ice bath class. than we have, you know, like cryotherapy, we have lymphatic massage devices.

And then we have all of your top alternative medicine doctors, you know, from your acupuncturist, with the Chinese medicine, to our chiropractic, which we blend a blend of chiropractic physio and Chinese medicine, all within one treatment. This is the best manual work that you’ll ever have on your body.

You know, instead of going to three different doctors or three different philosophies, it’s one doctor, one philosophy with three treatment and one. In my private practice, mostly focused on surgery prevention and chronic pain rehabilitation, but I had a hundred percent success rate with any patient that I ever took on that said they had to get surgery.

Not one of them has ever gotten surgery. So this has become a major part of remedy because most people are in pain or have something going on. And I’m, I’m not lying when, I mean, like, this is the best manual work that you’ll ever have. Then we have functional medicine, which I’m not sure if you’re familiar with are.

For those that who don’t know, you know, it’s a series of different blood work and tests that give us a full blueprint of the entire body. So it’ll tell us how to analyze every organ, every system, every deficiency, toxicity, level sensitivity. I mean, it goes on and on, but there’s no more guessing anymore.

You know, let’s, you know, you go to your medical doctor to do diagnostic blood work, to see if you’re sick or not. This is gonna tell us how, how to make the body more efficient and how to get to the root cause of whatever’s going on. Then we have a whole entire studio. So we do meditation classes.

Breathwork classes, sound, bath classes, doctor instructed, stretch, mobility classes, educational classes. we also convert it to a cinema. so we, we call it watch and drip. So groups four more when classes aren’t in session, just like you’d book a table at a restaurant. You, you know, you book the meditation room and you get an IV while watching a movie.

Especially good for like, you know, when people wanna do N a D and it’s a longer drip, you know, who wouldn’t rather get an N a D drip by watching a movie instead of sitting at a movie theater and having popcorn M soda. And then we have a whole entire bar and lounge, the bar and lounge, like I was saying earlier, temptation and toxin free.

So only, only things are gonna enhance your health, no alcohol, but we do have non-alcoholic spirits and plant based tos. And, you know, we’re getting really created within that space. Takeovers. There’s always activations and tastings and cool ways to bring in other founders and entrepreneurs to take over the bar, whether it’s before and after a class or if they wanna sponsor a night or we rent out the club and do events say it was a product launch or book launch, or for some of our like super VIPs that have full security teams that don’t wanna come in during the day, you know, they’ll rent out the club for them, their buddies or people have rent out the club just to do a date night.

And it’s fun because, you know, when you think of event spaces, it’s usually a hard to find a cool spot. You know, if you go to restaurant or a club, but this can be fully experiential, where you can have open treatments all night, or it can just be an event space. it’s also big for companies like Nike, you know, Nike will fly in their ex executives and, and do like these kind of corporate outings.

So instead of boozing, a team with overindulging and drinks and, and like these big dinners, they’re coming in, they’re doing social self care as we like to call it. and it’s just a new way to bring people together. And especially with, with these corporate companies, like you wanna make your employees not only more bonded, but you wanna make them perform better.

So what better way to do that than to like, do a whole entire night of self care and, you know, like cheering everyone through these ice bath classes. the events have been a really big thing for us. And that’s another thing. Not only do we have these in club events, but our external events, you know, now we’re traveling all over the world and we like to say, we can remedy any event.

So, you know, no matter what, whether it’s a sporting event, whether it’s a, you know, film festival or art festival, I mean, you name it. Everyone wants some wellness. You know, we were just at the canned film festival for a week and a half. A week ago and, you know, people are partying like crazy, you know, it’s all these fancy events and every morning, and during the day, people are just like, we need remedies.

So we, we were, you know, on different yachts and just like bringing all of our remedies across the board. And it’s just cool to see the response, at these events on how bad people want it. You know, even for, Coachella, we did an event with tau group. It was the craziest thing cuz on Sunday, you know, it was, you know, DJ, there was people drinking, partying, and then there was other half where we were bringing our social wellness club as other half and across from the line for the bar was aligned for our chiropractor in all day.

I’m not, I’m not even kidding. The line for the chiropractor was longer than the line for the bar. And I was like, oh wow. Like this, this is really becoming a priority for people. And. The end goal is really to help with this whole entire movement and make people healthy and to eventually change healthcare.

And it’s wild to see how fast things are changing because I’ve been working on remedy for 10 years and, you know, I saw the rise of people, preventative care and holistic care. But I think this pandemic and people understanding, you know, like, oh, wow, like we actually start taking care, like taking care of ourselves.

It’s shifted this faster than I could have ever thought. And our club has been, I mean, we we’ve opened a couple months before the pandemic and we were thriving through the whole pandemic and the past couple months in the start of this year, it is insane how busy we’ve been. So it’s cool. Cause I think it’s really shifting people’s perspective and I love that people are looking at wellness at a whole different level and. focusing on prevention and focusing on, you know, pushing their self potential and what

[00:11:18] Joe:
Yeah. Across the board. It’s like, no whether from healthcare to wellness, to mindfulness, to fitness, every single operator founder is saying like, All these things are blurring together. Like it’s no longer that like, oh, you’re a gym. And so your fitness personal training and that’s it, or you’re a whatever healthcare practitioner or mindfulness, no, a consumer wants all of these various things and all these different points in their lifestyle.

Like, Hey, if I’m trying to be healthier and focus on wellbeing, like that’s across every different sector of my. So someone, right, like remedy yourself is like, oh, we’re well suited to, to cater towards all of these things and provide these different services and treatments. And as you’re talking about it, you kind of mentioned, you know, maybe like, Execs flying in from Nike or other companies, or maybe, you know, founders, entrepreneurs that are running out the club, or maybe some celebrities who bring their security detail in.

Right. So how do you think about like who that core customer is and how you expand or access to, you know, all these different aspects of healthcare and wellness to, to all different types of people beyond maybe that elite or high class clientele?

[00:12:31] Jonathan:
Yeah, I mean, So the loaded question, but I think my private practice before, you know, I started with just pro athletes and then I quickly realized, and like, why am I just working with the healthiest bodies in the world on a regular basis? On the average person’s far more sick and a lot more pain. so I opened up my practice to people in music and film industry and then corporate level executives.

And for five years, I did have to just travel the world with cool people and cool families and save them from surgery. So I had this crazy network of people behind remedy. That’s kind of what has opened up the doors for all of our clientele and all of our community. And, you know, as a whole, the end goal is to change healthcare.

So I didn’t wanna create another exclusive club that was cutting people out. So it was really important for me to find a way to make it inclusive, but also have an exclusive component. So every club we cap the amount of memberships, per club. And these are people that we feel as though are. Good representation of us, people that are, you know, if we’re trying to make movements, we need leaders in the space that are gonna help go shift this movement.

Cause the best way to make any movement happen is we have to lead by example. So by getting these industry leaders and people that people really look up to that are cool and doing something really amazing in the world, it has really shifted our whole entire thing because we haven’t really done any marketing.

It’s been all word of mouth and. whether, I mean, every single event that we’ve done has been inbound, we haven’t reached out to any these people. And I think it’s spreading because we’ve helped the right people, you know, and I think the coolest thing about wellness in general is, and even what I found in my practice is when you make someone healthy, when you like actually fix something that they’ve been struggling with for a while, they wanna pay that forward.

So it’s like this beautiful thing that happens in the club where everyone knows when they come into the club, it’s their safe. , you know, it’s a place that they go because there’s an amazing community. They know the team and they always leave feeling better than they walked in. And that’s not our tagline.

That’s what we’re told every single day. So I think like, Not like this energetic exchange of people coming in and knowing that, and then always leaving, feeling better like that ripples into every aspect of their life. You know, it’s the talking point of what they have like at dinner and, you know, it might strengthen the relationship.

It might spark an idea of creativity wise. It just helps build better relationships when you’re feeling your best. Everything else is in flow. So it’s, it’s cool to see how this is just like naturally migrated, but. You know, when focusing on, I, like I said, I don’t want this to be an exclusive club and only focus on the elite.

And I think what’s really important is the end goal of remedy is to just be a free educational platform to teach people how to take care of themselves and then to fund research for alternative medicine. so the, the funding, the alternative medicine research is really that you talk to any alternative medicine doctor.

They know that their stuff works. They know that their patients see results, but. We don’t have big pharma funding research to prove what we’re doing and they’re never gonna do it. So I want revenue place to change alternative medicine by being able to show that there is science and that this stuff is real, and this is the first sign of intervention for most things.

But the free education side is where we can help the masses. You know, we, don’t not, everyone needs to go to a fancy club, you know, the foundational pillars of health. Knowing how to move, to be pain free, knowing how to eat, because anything you put in your body is either fueling or fighting disease, knowing how to take care of our mental health.

When the world’s getting more and more chaotic, there’s so many SIMPL, like it’s actually so simple, you know, the keys to being healthy and there’s no quick fixes and there’s no shortcuts. And you know, there’s so many gimmicks out there of like, oh, like, you know, you need to change anything about your lifestyle.

Just do these things. That’s not how it works, you know? And I. There’s just not this reliable source, cuz there’s a lot of bullshit, you know, and it’s hard, you know, I can’t tell you the people that I work with that have endless supplies of money that are well traveled and no matter who they are and that advice that they’re getting, I’m like how are my billionaire patients getting wrong advice when they’re working with the best people in the world.

So if we’re trying to change healthcare or change it down to anyone in any state or any city. How, what do you think? The advice that they’re getting, you know, when I grew up in Rhode Island in this small little town and what my doctors used to tell me, it’s actually, it’s scary. You know? And when patients come to me that are actually trying to be healthy and they’re following these protocols and I’m like, oh my God, like, that’s not healthy and that’s not okay.

Or they’ve been sold on some type of gimmicky thing that they think’s gonna fix everything. And that kills. It genuinely does. And I, I know that like within my private practice I was maxed out and I couldn’t see any more patients I had the six month wait list. And one of my patients was like, John, how are you gonna change healthcare, seeing one patient at a time?

And I’m not, you can’t and Remedy Place the goal. Isn’t to just open a million clubs. The clubs is like the byproduct, what I’m doing is I need to create a platform, you know, and this platform, if everyone knows that if it’s. Stamped by the remedy approval, you know, or like, no matter what they’re dealing with, that they can trust that advice coming from remedy or there’s like how to guide and how to really take control of your health.

Because the problem we’re that healthcare system right now is we’re fully dependent on our healthcare professionals and we’re reactive when things go wrong. And what needs to happen is we need to learn how to be independent and proactive, but the only way to do that is through education. So I think.

How we reach the masses and how we change healthcare is really through free education. we just really need to create the platform, you know, when you’re a multi-billion dollar company or like the size of Nike or, you know, Equinox, we need to get to that caliber so that we can reach the masses and, and truly do that mission. And I feel so strongly about that.

[00:18:35] Joe:
Yeah, it’s, it’s tough, right? Like there’s a lot of moving parts there and like some contradictions, cuz I think about this as well. And I talk about it on the podcast a lot. It’s like when it comes right down to it, the, the basics are not. Complicated. They’re fairly simple and straightforward and, and oftentimes free, but then all the things built around it are technologies and services and all these things that are expensive, but, you know, and so then how do you bridge the gap between those two things and building a brand like.

You mentioned Equinox like Equinox isn’t, you know, a shame to say like, Hey, we are for a very specific client that like lives a very specific lifestyle and we’re, we can’t be all things to all people. So like figuring out how to service, like. Hundreds of dollars a month or thousands of dollars a year for our membership while bringing it like to a free education platform to the masses.

Like it’s a crazy ambitious, you know, goal to be able to figure out it sounds like, you know, getting ready to open, club two, right. Still putting those pieces together.

[00:19:42] Jonathan:
Yeah. I mean, it, it’s, it’s crazy, but it’s doable. And you know, right now the world has only seen one part of remedy, but what they’re gonna see over the next year or two are all the different branches, within this. And, you know, as, as we kind of grow this industry and finding ways to help. But, you know, the primary is this free education, but you’re gonna see a couple other avenues where a Remedy Place, the social wellness club is a luxury service and it does cater to a luxury clientele, but the byproducts and subcategories that will fall within Remedy Place are the things that are gonna reach the masses and really help grow this industry.

[00:20:20] Joe:
It’s like, you can’t do that unless you have the platform, you can’t do that unless you’re, you’re, you know, driving sustainable revenue and able to grow the business. So all those things have to come together. When you think about like the services that you do offer now, it’s like a lot of the things I know personally, right?

When I do breath work and this kind of goes back to funding the research. Breathwork and ice baths and saunas. It’s like anecdotally there’s evidence. And there are starting to be some more thorough research and studies on how it’s impacting people and like the actual kind of efficacy of doing it. Like, how do you select, like, Hey, we do offer this.

We don’t offer that. And like, does it need to be science backed or does it need to be, like you said, Hey, I walk out and I just know, like, man, I feel, I feel better. And like maybe the research hasn’t caught up to like the actual impact.

[00:21:10] Jonathan:
Yeah. I mean, this is really important. I think something that really sets us apart, you know, my focus was this preventative care and you know, it really was surgery prevention and my whole entire practice was self and preventative care. Outside of the rehabilitation. So when, like I said, I started, I started been working on remedy for 10 years.

It was my original practice idea. I worked on my business plan every Sunday, through my doctorate. And I went to the bank after I graduated thinking, oh, this is easy. I had 158 page business plan. I presented it. And the woman kind of laughed at me and she was like, sir, you have $2,000 in the bank and X amount in student loan debt.

How am I supposed to give you a loan? And I was. That’s that’s exactly why I need loan, but I didn’t have any mentors at that time. but what that did do is it, forced me to pivot, you know, I opened up a concierge practice, in full transparency. It was a concierge practice cause I couldn’t afford to open up a brick and mortar practice and it ended up being the best decision that I ever had.

But those five years I got to do five extra years of my own personal clinical evidence in research, you know, every single one of my patients and all of my success stories. I was testing every single factor and every variable and seeing how I could manipulate things to enhance and speed up the recovery process.

So everything that’s in remedy is there because I know that it works through external research, but more so that I know through my own clinical evidence and my own research, and then using my functional medicine and blood work in different testing markers and just timelines. you know, how fast I was able to get everyone to be healed.

How many patients that I save from surgery, all of the things that are in remedy, I’ve been using with my patients this whole entire time. So we’ve seen these things, you know, all these buzzwords and buzz treatments that have really blown up, which I love, you know, I think with social media and all these things that are really allowing us to market so much more.

You can never see a billboard or a commercial for breathwork or meditation, but now it’s becoming real because the exposure’s higher, but everything in the club’s there, because I know that it works and I’ve tested it, you know, and I’ll never put anything in remedy that I haven’t been able to do that with.

You know, there’s a couple things that I’ve been exploring over the past three years that are like newer additions. but I want every single viewer to know or anyone listening. It’s like, anytime that they come into remedy, they don’t have to worry about, Hey, is this like a new flashy product? Does it work?

No, I want them to know that if it’s in remedy, it’s there because I know that it works and I’ve tested it out myself because you know, research is tricky, you know, who’s funding it. Is it biased? There’s so many variables that you can kind of make research. However you want it to, and to some extent, you know, so it’s scary.

And especially within healthcare, you know, there’s so much out there that has been clinically proven that is kinda BS. So, you know, I know from like my character and making sure that I want what special patients and because I truly want to leave this impact on healthcare. I would never put my name on something that I didn’t know worked.

And that I feel really, really, I can’t say enough how strongly I feel about that. So when you come in as a guest, you don’t have to worry like, oh, is this actually gonna work? It’s like, it’s there because we know it’s gonna work. And when you say, Hey, here are my stressors. This is what I’m feeling.

What’s the best remedies for the day. Everything that will do for you, how everything will be put the order, the timing, it will all be there because we know that that’s the best process to maximize, you know, the self care for that day. For.

[00:24:54] Joe:
All these things it’s even like, you know, thinking about. Meditation and mindfulness. And you were saying like, just what. 5 8, 10 years ago. It would like wasn’t even a thought or people almost kind of made fun of it.

[00:25:08] Jonathan:
I was like,

[00:25:08] Joe:
Yeah. And I mean, even before that, the yoga was that thing, like the, a yoga studio opening up or somebody doing yoga was like, you know, kind of like, what is this person doing?

Like, it’s kind of weird. and now it’s like, you know, Lululemon and on every corner, there’s a yoga studio. More recently, it’s been things like, you know, the idea of recovery and recovery, not just athletic performance, but like recovery everyday life, or just movement health. And now we’re starting to see optimization, right.

Being such a big category in every different way. and I really feel like, you know, the idea of longevity and anti-aging is kind of moving into that next, you know, almost. Mindfulness mental health spot, where like everybody is working on it or thinking about it or practicing it in some way or another.

And you kind of connect the dots to, you know, healthcare. Do you think there’s a world? You know, in our lifetime, I guess it seems like such a massive problem. When you think about like the reactive sick care industry, can we really get to that place where it’s like all of these things about holistic health and wellbeing and prevention and, you know, taking care of yourself and prioritizing in that way, you know, bridging that gap to healthcare, or are we still gonna be fighting this uphill battle where it is like this.

If I do it, I have to pay out of pocket and I’m, you know, kind of exploring it on my own. I have to find a place like remedy to do it and patchwork my, my plan and protocol together. Do you think we get to a place where it’s like more, you know, frictionless and integrated?

[00:26:43] Jonathan:
A million percent. I mean, if you’d look at, like you said, like eight years ago, not even five years ago with meditation or breathwork like everything that was considered Woohoo, all even I’ll turn to medicine, like all those aren’t real doctors, there’s a complete shift. and I’ve been saying this, that I’ve been saying this since I’ve been working on Remedy Places, this concept 10 years ago, that.

Self care is going to be the new workout. You know, working at people don’t realize that people, some of these people in LA, in New York are training more than my pro athletes. And they’re like, oh, I don’t do any recovery working out, still a stress in the body. You know, we need to balance out that stress.

And I think what we’re realizing is that life is only getting more and more stressful. People are only getting more and more sick. So what we’re currently doing, isn’t working. How I describe self-care cause I try not to even use the word recovery or therapy because people think there’s a negative connotation.

We don’t need to wait for something to be broken, to recover from. We don’t need therapy to fix something. We, we need to be preventative. So what I say with self-care and how like it’s like easily digestible for my patients is I’m like, Hey, we can’t eliminate all the stress we put on our body. And our body’s really resilient while we’re young and we can keep handling more and more, but eventually it starts work in the opposite.

So when we look at all of the stressors we put on our body, whether it’s our work, our relationships, you know, our workouts, our us indulging having fun, whether it’s food or drinking or whatever people do, you need to find a way to counteract that. And if you can find ways to balance that out, that is gonna help keep a nice flat baseline of keeping you healthy.

If you can do more self care than stress, that’s where we can actually have a positive increase where we can raise our potential higher and higher. And I think, it’s wild because I’ve seen people. Don’t when I started my practice, people were still like, okay, like I wanna keep my pain meds or, you know, I I’m gonna stay on this medication or I’m just gonna do the surgery.

Cause I was told by the end of my practice, you know, before I migrated into remedy, everyone understood. I don’t want to be on medication if I don’t have to be. And I don’t want surgery, if I don’t have to. So just the overall shift of their mentality was like, what do I have to do? And it wasn’t, what do you, it wasn’t pointing at me.

What, what are you gonna do for me? It was, what do I have to do? And I think people are understanding that they’re in control. You know, whether things happen in even like the study of epigenetics and epigenome. I’m like, we might have things that are hereditary in our family, but our lifestyle turns things on or turns things off.

And it’s your, if your body’s your number one asset and you control it. Are you gonna actually invest in it or not? And I think what I love seeing in these cities is people are investing in themselves. You know, I think, I think, you know, as far as health insurance, you know, I’ve lobbied for healthcare rights and that’s a tricky one, you know?

It’s not easy. I don’t get how this is still an issue as far as. If we can make people healthy, or if we can save people from surgery or not have to make them on medication for the first line of intervention, for most things, they should not be surgery or drugs. If it’s an emergency, don’t come see me.

Don’t come to remedy. That’s not our job. We’re there to make you healthy and to make sure that you stay healthy, you know, and that’s where surgery and medicine is amazing. We’ve made huge advancements for emergencies. , but even if you have to go and get surgery, you have to be on medication. If you’re not making these lifestyle changes or actually putting in the work, that’s a huge, that’s a huge problem, you know?

And I think, I don’t know, I’ve just really seen a shift and I, and I saw this happening, you know, before the pandemic. but just like how there’s a gym on every single corner, you know, as all these, you know, recovery spots are opening up. Everyone’s like, are you worried? I’m like, no, are you kidding me? I.

It’s like when 30 years ago, when there was a new gym in town, everyone’s like, oh, you can’t have another gym. Now there’s a gym on every corner. There will be some type of self care, preventative care or recovery on every corner. Cause at the end of the day, people wanna feel better. And I think right now it’s not just about working out.

You ask people like, how do you take care of yourself? They’re like, I work out every day, but then they’re like, why am I, why do I not feel great? And why am I hitting plateaus? And why am I not seeing these results? And I’m like, because you’re, you’re missing the most important. so I just feel so grateful and I feel like so excited because this is the start of a whole new industry, which I think is like the fitness and wellness, industry’s multitrillion dollar industry, and it’s missing the most important thing in my eyes.

And the bigger that this becomes and the more of a rise like this is where more research can be done, that we can prove these things. And I think I was at the seminar maybe like four or five years ago. I’m not a big social media guy, but I ha you know, like I have social media because I have to. but I understand that there’s like a lot of negative things that go hand in hand with social media and even mental health, but one of the best things that I’ve seen that I’m so proud of about social media is it’s really given the rise to these alternative remedies and meditation.

And. you know, in America we can put commercials and billboards of pharmaceutical sales. You know, it’s illegal to do this in some countries, but we can do it here. And it’s like a gorgeous couple and they’re all happy. And, and it’s like saying all these horrible things of the side effects, that’s why everyone understands like, oh, I, I should diagnose myself and I should be on that drug.

You know, like people are doing that. Like they shouldn’t be doing that, but you know, no one knew about alternative medicine. They never saw it, but now on like TikTok or Instagram, you can, or YouTube looking at tens or hundreds of millions of views. that allows people to be like, oh wait, what are they doing?

Oh, wait, they’re saying they feel better. Oh, wait. There’s options. And I think like even Remedy Place on, on TikTok, we have over a hundred million views and I’m like, if we can show people like a hundred million views on our ice baths and I’m like, Just making people think or just seeing it on a repeated thing of like, oh wait, there is more, I think people just don’t know.

And I think the coolest thing about social media is it really gave a platform that drove awareness. And this awareness is the biggest thing to make people ask questions. and these questions are what are really driving this whole new industry. Yeah.

[00:33:05] Joe:
Yeah, it’s, it’s been crazy to see. And I think TikTok there’s a lot of companies that we talk to and a couple that we’ve invested in. It’s like, you know, they don’t do paid acquisition. It’s all organic growth or majority of organic growth on TikTok, just again, sharing some of these trends and practices and protocols.

So yeah, the word is, is spreading quickly and, and efficient. On those platforms, but kind of coming full circle as we get towards the end of the conversation. when you think about, you know, making headway down this path of increasing awareness and spreading the word and hopefully chipping away at, you know, what is like the, the sick care industry, You know, I know that you’re expanding the club from, you know, west coast to New York.

Just raised some funding, thinking about how you continue to chart that, path forward. What does it look like in terms of at least, you know, not predicting the future, right. But in the near term, what are some of the priorities? What are you excited about as you kind of take that next?

[00:34:03] Jonathan:
Yeah. I mean, I’m, I’m most excited about, the near future of, of New York opening in three months, you know, the first club turned out amazing and people love it. But it was a tester, you know, it was like, does this concept work now that it’s work? New York is the next caliber of remedy. so when people walk in, they’re gonna be blown away.

So I’m, I’m just excited to see, I, I’m excited for people to see the next level of remedy and, and we’re expanding that, you know, we have two more clubs in the works outside of New York that we haven’t announced yet. we’ll do two to three clubs a year moving forward. we’ve been listening to all of our, our guests and, and requests from all over the world of, you know, we’re keeping track of people asking when we’re coming to their city.

The most requested cities we’re coming to. And, you know, I wish we could be in every city around the world right now, but we wanna scale smart, but fast. and we’re doing everything that we can to do that. you know, we’re entering some other industries. Where we’re gonna see some really cool collabs, but more from a real estate side, outside of our just standalone brick and mortar, we’re getting into tech, there’s some really big surprises there.

We’re trying to figure out ways that since we can’t be everywhere, it’s like, how can we also help be everywhere or help other people get to this? I don’t care how the end goal gets there, you know, this free educational platform or, you know, who helps it’s I just wanna, I wanna grow this industry. So we’re finding ways to help outside of just our own brick and mortar and, you know, help grow other people and other companies or other industries that, you know, also want these services.

And if we can’t put a club there, there’s other ways. So just like we can remedy any event, we can remedy any company. We can remedy any building. we can remedy any home. that’s as much as I can really say about those things, but, you know, I want people to know, like, we’re, we’re thinking, we’re thinking really big, with, but we staying focused.

Most of the things we’re working on will be a big surprise; they’re not the normal health and wellness things that people are working on. I really wanna stay on the top of this innovation. We’re also getting into continuing education for doctors. Alternative medicine doctors, any doctor, has to do a certain amount of hours every year to keep their license.

We wanna be the ones that are not only teaching the industry and our guests, but we wanna be the ones teaching the doctors. Anything that can really help make this movement bigger. It’s just about awareness. Like I was saying, I’m just trying to be as present and grateful every step of the way, because my dreams have already come true.

I mean that in the least corny way. Remedy Place is coming to life. The response and the impact it’s already made is already the biggest win. I could not be more happy or, like I say, just grateful. It actually makes me emotional to think this is just the starting point for us. I’m having so much fun.

It’s controlled chaos. We have an amazing team. We have amazing doctors, and we have an amazing community. Like I said, this is just the beginning.

[00:37:28] Joe:
Yeah, I think you’ve done a great job of laying the vision out there and teasing it a little bit. Certainly a lot to come.

Maybe we’ll wrap it up there by telling folks where can they follow along. A lot kind of coming down the pipeline and on the roadmap.

[00:37:45] Jonathan:

[00:37:45] Joe:
I’m sure they’re interested to check it out. Where would you point people?

[00:37:47] Jonathan:
I would say definitely our Instagram @RemedyPlace and on our website. Within the next couple weeks we’ll have a brand new website that’s incredible. If you put your email on the email list or follow along on Instagram we will be Remedying every event. So, outside of just the clubs opening in the cities, if there’s a major event globally Remedy Place will be there.

We’d love to have you come to us with questions, come to us with ideas. We love to collaborate. We love to partner. If it’s businesses that want to help their employees, we do corporate memberships. We do corporate retreats. We do it all. So just send us a message, or if they want to reach out to me personally on Instagram as well, just @DrJonathanLeary. We’re here to entertain any conversations.

[00:38:35] Joe:
Yeah, for sure. I hope folks hit you up and take you up on that.

I’m super grateful for you making a little bit of time to share it with us today.

[00:38:42] Jonathan:
Thanks, Joe.