1 min read

Cannabigerol: The New CBD

Promising to relieve inflammation, anxiety, pain, and more, CBD has gone from niche use to commoditized ingredient almost overnight. In the process, this cannabinoid has become a pillar of wellness that’s expected to grow into a $22B market by 2022.

Now, there are early indications that CBD could be outdone by another cannabis molecule.

  • It’s science. The cannabis plant produces more than 100 cannabinoid compounds, like THC and CBD. Having witnessed the rise of CBD, growers are beginning to key in on and isolate the various molecules in hopes of striking gold.
  • Enter CBG. Despite an ongoing debate related to its effectiveness and legality, CBD’s skyrocketing popularity in wellness has dubbed it “the new kale”. CBG (cannabigerol) is in a similar spot — there aren’t many studies to cite, but advocates believe it’s even better than THC or CBD for treating anxiety and chronic pain.
  • A word of caution: Speaking to Medium, Dr. Peter Grinspoon, a primary care physician at Massachusetts General Hospital and an instructor at Harvard Medical School, said cannabinoids like CBD and CBG represent serious potential, but also that we can’t let enthusiasm and marketing claims outpace scientific evidence.

Looking ahead: Whether or not there’s definitive science in support of CBG’s efficacy, if there’s a profit to be made, the wellness industry will ship first and ask questions later. Given the success of CBD, CBG could get a full-blown marketing makeover, turning this little-known compound into a commoditized ingredient.

While we’re hereThe Cannabis Industry Goes All-in On Wellness

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