Press Release Policy

Fitt Insider, Inc. (“Fitt Insider” or “we”, “our” or “us”) operates the Fitt Insider services, which include our podcasts, newsletters, websites, press releases, and related social media pages (collectively, the “Services”).

Content Policy

Fitt Insider’s press release network is curated to best serve our community and partners.

Approval. All content is subject to review and approval based on a number of factors, including—but not limited to—accuracy, newsworthiness, relevance, and credibility. We reserve the right to refuse or remove any post.

Topics. Examples of relevant releases include product launches, investments, partnerships, expansions, financial results/reports, research/survey findings, M&A, recalls, and personnel/hiring news.

Examples of prohibited content include false or misleading information, promotional/ad material, opinion pieces, advertisements, articles/blogs, poorly written releases, and inappropriate content.

Format. Titles should be under 14 words, include the company name, and be written in title case (the first letter of each word capitalized). Releases must be written in an objective tone, be free from spelling and grammatical errors, and be approximately 400–1,400 words.

Fulfillment Policy

Fulfillment. Standard and Premium press releases are published to the Fitt Insider website on the date and at the time set by the customer upon submission. Premium press releases are linked in the Tuesday edition of the Fitt Insider newsletter and distributed across LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram within three business days.

Cancellation. Press release submissions may be cancelled by the customer ahead of the scheduled publish date and time. Cancellation requests must be received and confirmed by Fitt Insider ahead of the publish date and time. Please contact in*****@fi**.co to cancel.

Refunds. Fitt Insider will offer a full refund if the press release is cancelled. Fitt Insider may offer a refund if the press release is not published, not published on time, and/or not distributed in the newsletter or on social channels as described above.

By submitting a press release, you agree to this content policy and terms of use.


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