UFC GYM Plots Rapid Expansion


UFC GYM is in expansion mode.

Beyond the Octagon

Offering a Big Box-style training ground for fighters but also everyday exercisers, the Ultimate Fighting Championship-affiliated gym has 150+ locations in 37 countries, and 800+ in development globally.

According to CEO Adam Sedlack, they can’t open them fast enough to meet demand. This year, he plans to open one UFC GYM per week. Starting ‘23/24, he envisions two to four openings per week.

The latest: Partnering with former MLB star Alex Rodriguez, UFC is opening its second UFC FIT location in Florida. A premium facility, it will offer general fitness classes, strength training, and a heavy bag area, plus an onsite cafe and recovery room.

Sidebar: UFC’s third fitness franchise, called Class UFC GYM, is a low-overhead, class-centric studio concept competing with other boutiques.

Looking Ahead

UFC GYM is finding success through its three forms by providing an answer to HVLP gyms like Planet Fitness, luxury clubs like Life Time, and boutique studios like F45 at the same time.

With surging demand and high brand recognition, its rapid rise may make other franchise operators start to sweat.