WHOOP is breaking new ground.
What’s happening: The wearable maker discovered links between women’s heart rate fluctuations and reproductive health.
Decoded. Analyzing menstrual cycle data from 11.5K women, WHOOP researchers developed “cardiovascular amplitude” — a novel biomarker measuring the wave-like pattern between heart rate’s monthly low point (day 5) and peak (day 26).
Using its wearable to quantify the impact, users with lower heart rhythm amplitude were found to have reduced fertility.
Breaking barriers. Declines correlated with age, higher BMI, and birth control use, the protocol could be an early warning system for irregularities without invasive testing.
Beyond the ~10% of US women who struggle with fertility issues, many are unaware dysfunctional menses also increases risk of heart disease, cancer, and osteoporosis.
Looking ahead: With 32% of millennial women already reporting signs of perimenopause, proactive tools from the likes of WHOOP, Oura, Midi Health, and Allara are a leap forward for addressing reproductive longevity and hormonal health.